Thank you for clarifying.
I don't know Undertale, so I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt. I did look up the piece you were inspired by, though. It makes more sense now. Your piece doesn't have anything mario or yoshi-like in it. Nevertheless, for the most part, it's clear what you were trying to do.
Original 4 Star Review:
"This music is intense! I'm squirming in my seat listening to this. D:
Honestly, this is some of the most tension I've heard in one piece in a while. Tension in a song can be difficult to achieve, so regarding that, I say well done. :)
I think it would work well as a loop. Right now, the sudden stop is quite jarring. If you don't want to loop it, you may want to consider fading out the end of the piece.
No idea what the title means, or what you were trying to do here. I suggest putting in your description what your intent, or at least your thought process, was in creating this piece. It would likely help me provide more useful feedback and a more accurate rating, and my review would rely less on my own taste and more on how well I thought your intent came through.
I hope this helps.
More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806"