Thank you for clarifying.
Your submission makes a lot more sense having the information you provided in your response to my review. The scale of the percussion and orchestral arrangement reflects the scale of the battle you described as, in my mind, like the battle between the mechanized forces and the indigenous people of Pandora from the movie Avatar; the vibe you communicate is incredibly vast and epic.
The thing is, knowing the information you just provided, I recommend changing the title from "Once Upon a Time" to something that better summarizes the story that was in your head; something that reflects battle, rebellion, reclaiming land, forest, and/or other elements of the story. To me, "Once Upon a Time" is a compelling title, but it ultimately does your story, therefore your song, a disservice because it doesn't provide enough information about what your song represents.
I hope you find my additional feedback helpful. :)
Original 3 1/2 Star Review:
"You really nailed the vibe of a forest-like environment in the very beginning. The sound effects and the calm atmospheric strings set the mood really well to the point where I feel like I've entered that world. Unfortunately. that goes away at around 0:29 into the piece.
I think the orchestral instruments gain steam too quickly and as a result it changes the mood to be more epic. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that, except that you are making a song with a forest theme. As I see it, forests symbolize peace and ambiance more than an epic-battle vibe.
I'd like to hear more detail from you about the musical decisions you made and why you made them. It would help me put into perspective what you were going for, and it would allow me to judge based on how well I thought your intent came across rather than just by my own taste. It could affect my rating and improve my feedback as well.
I will say that, from what I can tell, the thumbnail artwork really fits the piece quite well. I'm curious about the title. Why did you name the piece "Once Upon a Time"? I could guess, but I want to hear it from you.
More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806"