
259 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This trap-like beat has a video game tinge to it. That synth loop starting at about 19-20 seconds in really reminds me of GBA-era pokemon.

What were you going for? Was there anything beyond trying to make a more modern beat?

I'm curious about the title, "Freezy Zazy". Interesting choice. What's behind that?

Also, the thumbnail artwork is intriguing. Why did you pick it?

Just some things to think about. I hope it helps. :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

Czyszy responds:

The guy on the thumbnail is Magiera - one of my biggest influences.

I'm curious about your thought process behind this piece. What were you thinking as you were making this? I suggest putting that in your description. The reason is, knowing your thought process could allow me to give better feedback and a more accurate rating. In all likelihood it will also give me the opportunity to judge based on how clearly your intent came through in this piece rather than judging based on how much I liked it.

I will say that although I kind of like the piece, the compression is too high for my liking, the end seems to cut off prematurely, and there are things about the submission that don't make sense to me.

For example:

The title is currently "Diamond Dust". I'm not sure where that title came from, or why you chose it.

Without knowing the information on your thought process or the intent behind the decisions you made, It's impossible for me to know if, for example, you mixed the piece the way you did on purpose, or you picked the title because it had some deep meaning to you rather than choosing it arbitrarily; out of thin air.

I hope you find this review helpful. :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

RonnieJMusic responds:

This is incredibly helpful! Thank you! Indeed, this was an older piece (nearly two years ago actually) when my mixing and mastering prowess were more unrefined, but it was one I definitely wanted to share. I haven’t been able to make new music as of late as I’m still preparing my new setup. But, it’s my birthday, so I at least wanted to get something out there lol

More tips in the future would definitely be helpful! Thanks a bunch dude, much love!


Thank you for clarifying.

Knowing you were going for a winter-y vibe more than Christmas vibe, I'd say you nailed it.

As far as adult content goes, I can see it... kind of. The first image in my mind is still a childlike one, but I can see it being used in adult content s well. That ambiguity is the only reason I don't give this 5 stars.

Nevertheless, great job. :)

Original 4 Star Review:

"You've certainly got the winter-y theme here down pat. It reminds me of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, in the winter levels.

I don't immediately get the sense of Christmas, however. The animation loop might have helped with that, but unfortunately, without it the "Christmas-y" vibe is not as strong as it could be.

One other thing: The title of the piece is currently called "Christmas Service". Why is the word "service" in there? It would help if you explained it further.

I hope this review helps. :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806"

RawGreen responds:

It is indeed made to sound more winter-y than Christmas. All the title really is in this one is because I was going to use it for adult content to be released on Christmas, "service" is about as innuendo of a word as I can go with this one.

This information should be sufficient.

Edit: I changed the title to better reflect the intent of the song.

It's got an interesting vibe. It reminds me of the original Paper Mario for the N64, specifically when you go to the Shooting Star Summit; there's some sense of looking at the night sky and seeing stars. Interestingly, the vibe matches the title, IMO.

I think it may be a good idea to loop this song rather than fade it out because of the way the piece is constructed.

I'm wondering what your thought process was going into this piece. I can guess what you were going for, but I'd like to hear it from you. It will help me give better feedback and a more accurate rating because I could then judge the piece by how well your intent came across rather than solely by how much I liked it.

Technically speaking, I think the mix is too quiet. You may want to increase the volume with compression/limiting plugins, or at least normalize the audio so it doesn't inconvenience the listener. As it is, I have to raise the volume to hear the piece at a similar volume as other songs.

I hope you find this helpful. :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

CandySweetssJr responds:

Thank you for the advice! I keep backups of the audio, so I'll probably reupload this song with the loop feature and normalized volume. It mainly was not looped because I did not plan on posting here.

I usually work in a program called Caustic, which works mainly in electronic genres, although it has some sampling capabilities. I started off with the twinkling sound, which was a preset "Toy Uke" from the PCMSynth in Caustic. It's just four notes that arpeggiate throughout the track. I picked the notes because they were descending and because I usually use major scales. I was going for a happy tone initially. (I'm looking at the track now and it's a descending Ebmaj7, cool :) . ) I later doubled the Toy Uke with FMSynth preset "Amelie", which is this bell-like twinkling sound. I wanted to go for that starry feel, and bells are always the way to go!

I think what gives it that Paper Mario feel is the chords in the background, which I worked on next. I used two synths for this: PadSynth (main background synth) and another FMSynth (low rumble). Honestly, the chords came up while I was experimenting by playing random notes. The first four chords clashed with the toy uke, and that was something I wanted to push after hearing the dissonance. The next couple chords afterwards gave the whole piece a more hopeful tone, maybe imagining shimmering lights or a shootings star. So the song is initially dark but then gets brighter, looping between these two feelings. While working on these chords, I did think of the N64 sounds, mainly because of the PadSynth.

Hopefully this helps! I just recently finished this project after not touching it for a year, and I'm happy that you've found it cool.

EDIT: I've reuploaded the track: (https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/950853?updated=1595364315) . The loop is a little jank, but the track is much louder.

You've certainly nailed the sound of a retro-futuristic cyberpunk-themed city. To me this piece feels like it should be played at night while sneaking around trying to avoid the dystopian city's guards. Think cyberpunk espionage with a hint of danger and a degree of unfamiliarity.

Sounds to me like you got what you wanted to come across clearly. No notes. Great job! :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

Ditchy responds:

Really appreciate this, i'm chuffed its captured your imagination like it did mine when creating it! :D


Thank you for clarifying.

I find it interesting that the feeling of an open field is people's first reaction to the first half of the song. I think of the feeling of being underwater, or at least on a beach, rather than an open field. Also, I did Google image search for "wooden boy island" and what I found supports the water-themed vibe.

I'm not sure what you mean by drop. I don't hear a drop in the song in the traditional EDM-oriented sense.

Still, if what you were going for was water-themed, I'd say that did come through, although it was more present in the first half than the second. Your choice of arrangement when the percussion starts to me represents a sense of urgency and physical movement (such as running) due to the speed of the percussion, and IMO it gets in the way of the otherwise chill vibe.

I hope you find this helpful. :)

Original 3 1/2 Star Review:

"The first half really sets the tone for how this island is going to feel. The second half changes the mood but its unclear to me what it changes to.

I'm wondering where you were coming from. What was your thought process when you were making this piece? Knowing that could help me give better feedback, a more accurate rating, and I could judge the piece based less on my own taste and more on how well I thought your intent came through.

I'm also curious about the title of this piece. Why did you name it "wooden boy island"? I can guess but I'd like to hear it from you.

I like the piece, I'm just not necessarily sold on the change in mood. Right now, that's all I can say.

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806"

kadaver199 responds:

I was on google maps for a bit looking at Mongolia, it's a really nice country and I never hear much from it or see much from it. I scrolled to a lake with an island in the middle called Wooden Boy Island or Dalan Modon Khuis. I googled it and gave me some open field vibes. I sent the beginning in a group a few times and people have always told me the pads remind them of being in an open field.

I worked from there and got a bit of a speedboat/water vibe when I started working on the drop. The first version sounded really different though (more distortion, different arrangement), but I didn't really like it.

So this is what I came up with. Thanks for the kind words.

This is definitely some stuff I don't hear every day. It begs the question: What were you thinking when you made this? I'm legitimately curious to hear from you what your thought process was, because it seems like you went out of your way to create something unique.

Without knowing your thought process, I am limited to judging by my own taste, and I have no idea where to start because I've literally heard nothing like this. if I include all the elements of the piece. I can't give good feedback or an accurate rating, either.

I'm also wondering why you chose the thumbnail artwork for this piece that you did, and even more so, the title.

Right now, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and give it 3 1/2 stars.

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

phixelofficial responds:

Hiya! Sorry for getting back so late.

When I make music like this, I don't really think of anything in particular. I usually have some little idea in my head to begin with, but I rarely go along with any full formed idea I have. I make this music to vent emotions and frustrations, so most of it is very experimental or harsh to try to get emotions across.

As for the thumbnail, that has a very personal meaning for me. Most of my artwork for my more experimental work is of a distorted face, because when I get very emotional it can get hard to see people as, well, people. I see them less as human beings with emotions and lives and I just see them more as shapes and colors, which is why I use distorted faces for cover art, to help convey that feeling.


Thank you for clarifying.

I didn't mention this in the original review because I didn't think it was relevant at the time, but when you said you were trying to be spooky, I remembered this:

Regarding the quieter parts of the track especially, the melodies you came up with reminded me of a level in the old Gamecube game, "Wario World", specifically the level where there are spooky elements (skeletal enemies, ghosts, strange mansion rooms). From my perspective, what you created was, in a way, spooky, albeit like a cartoon rather than serious and realistic. Given the generally non-spooky genres you mashed up to create this piece, I think it's a good attempt.

I hope this helps. :)

Original 3 1/2 Star Review:

"I'm wondering what your thought process was when you made this piece. I think it would be beneficial if you put that in your description. That way I could base my review on how well your intent came across rather than simply by my own taste. Also, I may be able to provide better feedback and a more accurate rating as a result.

Not sure how the title or the thumbnail artwork fits with the music. Could you explain why you chose those elements to be what they are?

The title in particular seems to bear no relation to the song, making this submission as a whole feel a little unfocused IMO.

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806"

GDRyuHayabusa1988 responds:

Well, I will try to answer this question

Not sure how the title or the thumbnail artwork fits with the music. Could you explain why you chose those elements to be what they are?

When I started making this track, I wanted to do something spooky, more atmospheric and a little bit epic, which is what the first 20 seconds turned out to be. However, over time, I added more electronic instruments, focusing in some places on the subject that I was aiming for. For example, on 2:12-2:21 and 4:00-4:21, as for me, the lead I wanted turned out; I don't know why, but I always associated this sound with something spooky. When I finished the song, it probably didn't turn out the way I intended, but for me these melodies remained the same, so I chose the title and the thumbnail artwork that I thought were appropriate.

I hope I didn't write too badly, because I'm not good at English.

Codefreq (pronounced "code freak") grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. He has a longstanding passion for video games and music. He started writing music with the computer since he was a little kid (around age 5) and he has been writing music ever since.


Soundtrack Composer

Columbia College Chicago


Joined on 8/29/19

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