These are very important guidelines. Good to see that there are constructive discussions on this site.
Codefreq (pronounced "code freak") grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. He has a longstanding passion for video games and music. He started writing music with the computer since he was a little kid (around age 5) and he has been writing music ever since.
Soundtrack Composer
Columbia College Chicago
Joined on 8/29/19
These are very important guidelines. Good to see that there are constructive discussions on this site.
You do really know what your doing. Knowing what I could do along with what I did well helps a lot in terms of fixing my creation. Thanks for these guidelines. xD
I’m glad you like them. :)
It's sad that some people don't understand the concept of constructive criticism and immediately 0 star the reviewer's pieces if they get a low score. I stopped reviewing tracks I would rate lower than 4 star because it would backfire on me getting low scores from people that didn't even hear my stuff.
I know what you mean. There's always a risk involved. That said, I decided when I started reviewing months ago that it's better to put my stuff on the front lines for the sake of helping people who are looking for constructive criticism get said criticism.
This Guidelines helps me a lot... To fix my music creation... Thanks for that dude..
How insightful, a nice read in general on the theory on application of etiquette for practical application in an online environment.
Thank you very much!
"different sonic elements can mean different things to different people when it comes to what they are specifically associated with"
This is something I've experienced a lot since I've been making music. Some of the interpretations of my music have been quite interesting.
That sounds about the same as I review, in most cases -- intent and feel -- and I quite appreciate that, because it's not often that we talk about feel.